Ini cerita tentang kemandirian Bilqis dalam melakukan sesuatu. Bilqis anak yang bersemangat, selalu ingin melakukannya sendiri, walau kadang-kadang saya khawatir dengan apa yang dilakukannya. Semenjak saya pulang, dia ingin melakukan segala sesuatunya sendiri. Ini saya amati sejak kepulangan saya dari Philippines, Desember tahun2008 lalu.

Saat dia mau makan, dia ingin mengambil nasinya sendiri dan makan sendiri. Di sini saya khawatir kalau makan yang diambilnya terlalu banyak, padahal kalau nasinya langsung dikurangi dia akan marah. Karena itu saya membujuknya pelan-pelan, atau nasi yang saya ambil sedikit untuk makan saya sendiri, karena biasanya saya akan makan sisa nasi yang diambil anak-anak.

Saat dia minta minum susu, dia jugaminta menuang susunya ke botol sendiri. Saya memakai sendok takar untuk mengambil susu, dan langsung saya masukkan ke botol. Bilqis pun ingin melakukannya sendiri. Padahal saya khawatir kalau susu yang diambilnya akan tumpah. Namun .. Subhanallah… ternyata dia bisa melakukannya! Dia mampu mengambil susu menggunakan sendok takar dan menuangnya ke botol susu tanpa tumpah. Memang, kadang saya kurag memberi kepercayaan kepadanya, biasanya saat saya merasa kurang percaya, susu yang dimasukkan juga akan tumpah. Namun jika saya percaya penuh, maka dia pun akan dengan bagus melakukannya.

Selain itu, dia juga sudah bisa melepas bajunya sendiri, memakai bajunya sendiri,menyikat gigi sendiri. Kalau dia menyikat gigim, kadang dia ingin mengoleskan pasta giginya sendiri. Dan kadang-kadang terlalu banyak pasta gigi yang dioleskan..Karena itu, kadang saya oleskan dahulu pasta giginya sebelum saya berkan kepadanya. Tentu pasta gigi saya oleskan di sikat gigi tanpa diketahui dia sebelumnya.

“Ummi… aku dili…” Itu yang akan dia katakan saat ingin melakukan sesuatu sendiri.

Subhanallah…Amat besar ciptaan Allah…

Selama beberapa waktu saya bersama anak-anak, banyak perkembangan anak yang bisa saya ikuti. Bil Haq, yang bulan depan berusia 5 tahun, suka sekali bermain puzzle, membuat berbagai bentuk. Yang paling sering dia buat adalah pesawat dan rumah. Rumah yang dia buat selalu ada kamar, dan kamar mandi, serta garasi mobil dan halaman yang diisi berbagai macam binatang. Pesawat yang dibuatnya selalu berbeda bentuknya dari waktu ke waktu. Selalu ada variasi. Pernah dia membuat pesawat yang bisa mengangkut mobil, pesawat yang mengangkut manusia, pesawat yang pintunya bisa dibukan dan ditutup, dsb. Beberapa bentuknya saya ambil gambarnya. Dia merasa senang jika hasil karyanya saya foto.

Selain itu, Bil Haq juga senang mewarnai. Alhamdulillah dalam 1 minggu, hasil mewarnainya tampak semakin rapi. Pada saat pertama kali saya memberikan gambar untuk diwarnai, selalu melewati garis, dan tidak rapi. Namun di akir-akhir ini, hasilnya semakin rapi, polesan warnanya sudah ada di dalam garis. Untuk satu obyek, kadang diwarnai dengan berbagai macam warna.  Kadang-kadang saya mencarikan ‘coloring page’ di internet, kemudia dia saya minta memilih gambarnya. Beberapa gambar juga saya simpan sebagai kenangan masa kecil.

Akhir-akhir ini, Bil Haq juga suka menggambar memakai pensil atau pen. Objek yang dia gambar selalu ada rumah, pohon, matahari dan orang. Orang yang digambar ummi, abi, adik, eyang dan kadang-kadang ada paman dan tante. Matahari yang digambar selalu di pojok, kiri atau kanan atas. dan sinarnya lurus.

Ya… Alhamdulillah..Subhanallah, Allahu Akbar. Semoga Ummi dan Abi serta kami semua bisa mendidiknya menjadi anak yang sholeh, yang bermanfaat untuk lingkungannya.

Bil Haq and Bilqis in the mosqueBilqis has a mukena, my mom and sister bought one for her. She looks qute when she wears it. When I make my sholat at home or at mosque, she usually follow the  movement. “Allah Abban” that is how she say “Allahu Akbar”, ya she is still 2,5 years old, so she is not able to say “Allahu Akbar” clearly.

In the mosque, sometimes she just plays with her friends, and walk or run between the jama’ah. But after that my mom or I will tell her not to do that.

Bilhaq, 4,5 years old. He already able to do the sholat completely,  he also recite all the pray in sholat, ALhamdulillah.  He also say ” If I do the sholat nicely, Allah will love me, He will give me toys in heaven”. Subhanalah…

Sometimes,he made noisy at mosque, then we will say,”If you make noisy at praying time, so you will disturbing the people who are making sholat, then Allah will angry to you..”. He will understand that.

Rabbij’alni muqima shalaati wa miin dzurriyyaatii.

Bil Haq and Bilqis already know how to great the others. They also know that when they go they have to say salam. Bil Haq already able to say Assalamu’alaikum completely and clearly. It is different when he was 2 years old. The first salam he said is”Assalamulalaikum”..not assalamu’alaikum.

When  he was 3,5 years old he could not say “eS eM eS”. He wil say SMS as “es memes”. It is funny when I heard he said that. I make it as SMS alert,”Ummi… Ummi…. aku ngga bisa bilang es memes” (Mother-mother.. i am not able to say es memes”.

Different with Bilqis. When she comes or goes out, she will say “Alaikum-sala..m”instead of”Assalamu’alaikum”. When she say sentence,she will say 2 words contain of 2 vowels.

May Allah give them ability to speak the good things, sholihaat and haq; always keep them from badwords, Aaaamiiin.

img_1410Since this time, InsyaAllah I will share about my 2 children development, Bil Haq and Bilqis. This also can be my note, my diary about them. Children developmment  moving very fast. We will miss momens when we left them.. even awhile.

It happened to me . I went to other country for my master, I left my two children with my parents. So I miss manything about my kids. My son called his sister as Adik (younger sister) or Dik Bilqis, and Bilqis will call his brother as Kakak(older brother).

Bil Haq, my first child. A boy. He was born in the last days of April one year after our married.  He is an active boy. When I left him, he is 3 years old. He is care of his sister, he show  how he love his sister. She will hug his sister, and ask his sister to play with him. I think he is kind of romantic boy. When I left him, he could not run the tricyle, yet. THen he want a bicycle, ofcourse with the 2 support wheels. And Alhamdulillah.. he can use that. H love to tell something. Like yesterday he like to tell about his teacher and also his friend. Oh ya.. yesterday, we went to his school, TK Salman Al Farisi. In the morning, he ask me to go to the meeting in his school, we call it “Pengajian”.  When my mother asked him,” Do you want to go to the zoo or to your school to pengajian?”. then he answer ” Go to Pengajian, please”. Subhanallah.. I really proud of him. He also very expressive when telling about something.

THen in the afternoon, he made a toy. It was a phone, made of 2 used can that connected by yarn. He tried it first with me, with Bilqis, then he brought it out and play it with his friends. Everybody tried that he ask his friends to use it one by one, so everybody would try. He also will tell how to use it. Alhamdulillah.. I wish he can do better then me and his father to be a usefull person.

Then Bilqis, she is 2 years old. She has a strong mind, ya, may be because of she still 2 years old. So she want to has evrything. She also very care of her things, even her brother’s. Then.. when she will do something, she will say nicely. Thw way she ask is.. very nice.. I like. for example she will go to mosque, she wil say “Bilqis ke masjid dulu ya…“. she will add “dulu ya” after the activity.  some of word sometimes I cannot understand, because not clear yet. She called herself as “Bikis” from Bilqis. When she asked me or the other open fruits, she will say ” Ummi, tolong buka-in rambut-an”. With space before ‘in’. or.. “Ummi buat-in susu”. Oh ya.. she could not say “S” as “S” but more on.. when she say Bilqis, she will say “Bikits”; susu- tsutsu, ect. She could not say C also.. she say it as “dz” so.. when she say membaca (to read), she will say “membadza” or badza-in.

She has friends named Isa and also Hakim, both of them are boys. They are in the same age. Then THey love to play together. Ofcourse when someone hit the other, the other will cry.. including Bilqis. Whenever she hit by other, she will cry. Or when her friends took something from her, and she doesnt want to, she will cry. Her crying.. is very long cry.. sometimes it is like she is playing with crying.

THe other thing is, she want to follow, to imitate. When I use my eyeliner (hashmi shurma), she want to ue it also, and she like it. Then when her brother will change his cloth, she want it also. She will ask to take a bath again even she already took it, when she knows that her brother will take a bath.

Alhamdulillah, may Allah make them as sholih and shoihah children.

OK, thats it for now.. Lets we see what will happened today:)