Bil Haq and Bilqis already know how to great the others. They also know that when they go they have to say salam. Bil Haq already able to say Assalamu’alaikum completely and clearly. It is different when he was 2 years old. The first salam he said is”Assalamulalaikum”..not assalamu’alaikum.

When  he was 3,5 years old he could not say “eS eM eS”. He wil say SMS as “es memes”. It is funny when I heard he said that. I make it as SMS alert,”Ummi… Ummi…. aku ngga bisa bilang es memes” (Mother-mother.. i am not able to say es memes”.

Different with Bilqis. When she comes or goes out, she will say “Alaikum-sala..m”instead of”Assalamu’alaikum”. When she say sentence,she will say 2 words contain of 2 vowels.

May Allah give them ability to speak the good things, sholihaat and haq; always keep them from badwords, Aaaamiiin.