Bil Haq and Bilqis in the mosqueBilqis has a mukena, my mom and sister bought one for her. She looks qute when she wears it. When I make my sholat at home or at mosque, she usually follow the  movement. “Allah Abban” that is how she say “Allahu Akbar”, ya she is still 2,5 years old, so she is not able to say “Allahu Akbar” clearly.

In the mosque, sometimes she just plays with her friends, and walk or run between the jama’ah. But after that my mom or I will tell her not to do that.

Bilhaq, 4,5 years old. He already able to do the sholat completely,  he also recite all the pray in sholat, ALhamdulillah.  He also say ” If I do the sholat nicely, Allah will love me, He will give me toys in heaven”. Subhanalah…

Sometimes,he made noisy at mosque, then we will say,”If you make noisy at praying time, so you will disturbing the people who are making sholat, then Allah will angry to you..”. He will understand that.

Rabbij’alni muqima shalaati wa miin dzurriyyaatii.